There are a few recommendations to prevent any problems existence from the smoking habits.
· Experienced by the ex-addict, there have product to help people in quit smoking. It is consist of books and magazines, cigarette modification products, video tapes and DVDs, audio tapes and CDs, thought changing products, smoke and odor removal, no smoking signs, and gift certificates.
· Stop buying cartons of cigarettes and throw out anything that reminds them of smoking…
· Instead of a cigarette break at work, play a game of solitaire on the computer, the they would not remind on the cigarette…
· Take a cup of herbal tea whenever usually have a cigarette. Switch people cigarette habit for a nut habit...
· “Carry some cinnamon-flavored toothpicks to avoid wants to smoke.”
· To minimize cravings, change the daily routine. Sit in a different chair at breakfast or take a different route to work…
“New laws takes up from Malaysia’s newspaper that ban smoking in government premises or places is a smart move by this state. Corporate Communication Unit (JPA) have voice it on 5th June 2009.”
This smoking habits need to be stopped and avoided to ensure the healthy life.
*credit to:
Did you know, I am actually got this idea when I follow my classmates finding some food at the Taman Pertanian’s cafeteria. As I walked along IKIP Taman Pertanian Campus, my eyes looked at the banner, “Kempen Berhenti Rokok”… and now my fingers would like to tell you better about smoke.
Thanks also flying to my bestfriend, Izni and Farhain as they support my efforts in using our video.
Thousand appreciation to those who are write in their blog about smoke and a few website that I use in guiding me to write some facts. Thanks a lot for everybody involve.